new year, new day, set new goals. by shay

Each year it seems like as December 31st approaches people start talking about goals, especially fitness related. Things like I am going to lose 5, 10, 20 pounds. I am going to do a detox, I am going to eat completely clean. Blah blah blah…And while being in the industry I hear all of this and feel everyone has the best intentions including myself there seems to be the 3 week hump…The follow-through of actually committing to the process and focusing on changing the mindset to actually lose the weight, eat clean, or detox your body of whatever it is your are detoxing from. In the realm of cancer and the women and men I work with I like to do all the above. I like to sit down with my Warriors and have a goal – intention setting night. After cancer your body has the innate ability to detox itself and rejuvenate to be healthy again, but it needs help from you both mentally and spiritually. 

Let’s talk about a mental detox for a second…For a survivor this might be the biggest thing to overcome. The aches, shooting pains, the fear and anxiety that comes along with the word Cancer itself. The what if questions. What if it returns??? Why do we think this way, why not change our vocabulary and mental state to gratitude? Why not make goals to stop ourselves when we start to drift into that fearful state? It's hard but maybe it is setting a goal to do this and practice this type of mindful practice one day at a time. If you start on New years Day you then have 364 days to practice.

Most survivors also end up with the notorious Chemo belly, now maybe the goal is not to lose weight. Maybe the goal is to get a gentle fitness class starting with a realistic goal of getting to class twice a week. Then after 30days, upping the goal to four times a week etc.… When you start with a few days and book it like an appointment after 30 days it will become a habit. Join a breast cancer survivors’ group and ask others to help keep you held accountable. You will be glad you did. Place it in your calendar like any other appointment and respect that time not moving it after you place it in your time slot.  Remember you are the most important person that needs to be taken care of. So many times, after cancer I hear stories of survivors who try to go back to their normal routines in life. My philosophy, don’t go back it wasn’t working then so why would it work for you now? Use what you learned during your cancer treatments, self-care, slow down, enjoy the little things, don’t sweat the small stuff, you know, live in the moment. Once you overcome the mental state with friends and family you can conquer the physical beast of cancer one step at a time.

If it is better nutrition you seek then set goals with your family to meal prep a few times a week until yes, you guessed it this becomes natural to you too. Start by picking a night to do this, make 3-5 easy and interchangeable meals. It will not only be healthy for you and them, but a fun family bonding time, making conversation and connecting with one another. Without the use of electronics.

Oh yeah…. let’s talk about electronics for a moment. Detox from those too. Start by taking a half day with a goal of a full day for no use of electronics. No emails, social media, games, or even checking the news. Studies prove that all these things can give you more anxiety and we could all use a detox from that, now couldn’t we? Set the goal to an electronics detox by a few hours, then half a day then building up to a full day and maybe even taking your email off your phone. Use that extra time that you normally scroll through social media to reconnect with family, friends or use it as downtime and self-care for you. You will be glad you did. Send me your goals and let’s keep each other accountable together. I would love to hear from you and know at least one person reads this blog. hehe.

Have a Very Blessed New Year to come…

