struggle to find the words to help a friend in need? by shay

Someone going through cancer or even someone out of cancer for many years could be struggling with the fear of reccurance, scanxiety, fatigue and just trying to deal with life after cancer recovery. So here are some small phrases that will mean a lot to that somebody, and will help you be the thoughtful friend through the process.

🗣"Let me know when you arrive home, I would like to visit you if you are feeling up to it" This not only is thoughtful but it has all the warm fuzzy feels of letting your friend know you care.

🗣"Just checking how you' re doing." Yes, it's simple but simple can make all the difference in the world.

🗣 "I saw this and thought of you." Sending a sweet text, a photo, is a reminder to your friend you care.

🗣 "I appreciate you. No need to reply, but I'm here for you." This is a great text/message because your friend more than likely is overwhelmed with doctors appointments, scans, family stuff and the reality of everyday life. Don't aways assume it is life as usual for someone going through a sickness. And try not to take it personally if someone doesn't message you back. They maybe just trying to make it through each hour of the day.

🗣"I've been thinking about you" Another simple and loving text.

🗣"Sending you a warm healing hug." When you don't know what else to say or do.

🗣"Just a reminder that you're awesome!" I mean perfect says it right here.

🗣"I'm grateful to have you in my life." This says I love you without saying I love you.

Any or all of these can make someone feel seen, heard and special. Cancer and Life AFTER Cancer is tough but together we can be stronger 💪 ✨️.

Shay Moraga